Controlling AI While We Still Can
By Dylan Bouzigues
In this day in age, and especially with everything that is happening in the world right now, it is difficult to find information that is credible and unbiased. The fact that computers and phones have the ability to control what we see by selectively putting forth things we mention or that we have an interest in, it gives us a positive reinforcement when we see something that intrigues us and that we agree with. In the media today, there is a problem about companies being biased towards a side to get their agenda out, to as many people as possible, and to find news and information that is unbiased is getting harder to do. This is why technology should not be able to govern our thoughts and give us positive reinforcement without us doing our research. There are many, including me, who do not research the news and try to get a complete understanding of the picture and rely on media sources across the United States to provide us with information. This is problematic due to the fact that media companies will typically be one sided and not show the entire picture. In The Technically Human Podcast, Dr. Donig interviews Dr. De Kai in machine learning and artificial intelligence that is becoming more prominent especially in our society today. It is, without a doubt that cell phones alongside computers are the most popular form of stream of information and media directly to the consumer. Artificial intelligence is advancing to the point where it is able to manipulate and change the way we think and perceive certain things, such as mass media. What are the things that we impose from our own experiences and cultures upon the minds of millions of people, due to artificial intelligence and machine learning? Looking at cultures and unconscious biases influence the way that we interpret things in our own contexts is something that is very recent. De Kai also mentions that keeping ourselves in our own comfort zones and staying within this realm aids in the mess that we are in today. There are many people who choose this over other interactions because they are used to being right and without direct conflict of interest or ideas. In building artificial intelligence. De Kai brings up the point that those who come to build and create it can not have a narrow mindset. This makes sense, as those with narrow mindsets will continue to do what they have always done, and this may not necessarily benefit everyone, just a certain group of people. Comparative ethics and ethical systems are necessary in order to be informed on the polarization of today's society, as technology democratizes weapons of mass destruction. Information warfare even is becoming more prominent and dangerous, to the point where we need to prepare ourselves to defend against artificial intelligence.