Ethics is a Person-Based Thing
Computers don’t have their own set of ethics, nor do plants nor animals (at least that we know of). Being ethical and having a knowledge of what is good and what is bad is part of human nature, so if there is no “personhood” online, it seems that ethics suddenly take a back seat
Things My Mother Taught Me
Last night, I opted to forgo my reading in order to help my mother make and drop off homemade face masks for doctors at a local hospital
Our Duty to Knowledge
On a platform where anyone has an opinion or can spread “knowledge” some people use this power dangerously.
Study Virtue Above All Things
Perhaps in order for us to live in a more ethical world, our top minds in government should not be focused on politics early in their careers, but rather in the words of Aristotle "study virtue above all things."
I’m Really %^&$* Mad. Thanks For Reading.
My asthmatic mother, who is in the high-risk age zone, is being forced to work in the COVID ward once a week while being purposely shorted on protective equipment, ultimately because of the incompetence and criminality of our current administration. But what scares me more than anything is that there are people out there that think Trump is doing a good job at handling this crisis and in fact are planning to vote for him again.
Holding Wuhan In Our Hearts
Today I find myself in a similar situation to those in Wuhan, China but genuinely count my blessings everyday.
Facts, Not Fear
Social Media has the ability to transmit information in record time. This is what makes it such a powerful tool and one that we must question.
Not Everyone Has The Means To Stay At Home
I keep seeing and hearing aggressive statements like “stay the f#&ck home” and “stay in your da%n house”, and honestly it breaks my heart because I know it is necessary, but I also know not everyone has the means to be safe and healthy by staying home. In fact, not everybody has a home at all.
Emergency Siren: Covid-19 And Environmental Disaster
Despite current economic undertaking because of the virus, global prosperity has been steadily increasing, but at the cost of overconsumption and pollution.
Imagining the Future With Hope
Perhaps it's my own defense from fully taking in the bleakness of our current situation, but I find myself often thinking towards the future at this time.